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Explore&Burn Intuitive and easy to use CD/DVD burner, integrated with Windows Explorer
Good: Explore&Burn is an intuitive and easy to use CD/DVD burner, integrated with Windows Explorer. It is the easiest and fastest way to burn files, ISO images and DVD movies on your computer to the opt... (this pertains dvd software, burn dvd, burner cd, copy dvd, dvd burner software, burning cd, cd burning software, burning software, dvd burning, dvd burning software, ...)
Explore&Burn 1.7.2
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Intuitive and easy to use CD/DVD burner, integrated with Windows Explorer
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Some words about Explore&Burn:
Explore&Burn is an intuitive and easy to use CD/DVD burner, integrated with Windows Explorer. It is the easiest and fastest way to burn files, ISO images and DVD movies on your computer to the optical media. Explore&Burn is extremely lightweight comparing to other bloated CD/DVD burning programs, and does just what you need.Unlike other CD/DVD burning software, Explore&Burn does not require you to start any programs to burn a CD or a DVD. Just, while browsing your files in Windows Explorer, select the needed files or folders, choose "Burn files to disc..." from right-click menu, and the burning wizard will guide you through the simple steps of burning these files to CD or DVD. If there are some files already present on the disc, Explore&Burn will automatically create multi-session disc and add your files to the end of it.In much the same way you can easily select and burn ISO image, or a DVD-Video disc.* just select the needed files in Windows Explorer and burn it on CD or DVD in just a few clicks with easy to use wizards;* burn ISO images from your hard disk to physical media quickly and easily;* Burn DVD-Video discs using the files in a prepared VIDEO_TS folder;* burn on CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW and DVD-RAM discs including Dual Layer discs;* burn single-session and multi-session discs with ISO-9660, Joliet and UDF file systems;* multilingual user interface;

News, new features for this Major Update:
Fixed the issue when on Windows XP the installer created registry values AllocateCDRoms and AllocateDASD of incorrect type, thus prohibiting access to media burning devices for non-administrative users.
rn is extremely lightweight comparing to other bloated CD/DVD burning programs, and does just what you need.

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Type: Shareware
Price $ 14.95 /
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Download size: 6240 Kb
Date: 01/18/2013
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Install/Uninstall: Install and Uninstall
OS: WinXP, WinVista, WinVista x64, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows2003
Sys requirements: A computer equipped with one or more internal or external CD/DVD burners.
Language: English, ChineseSimplified, ChineseTraditional, Dutch, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian

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