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Aqua Data Studio The universal IDE for relational, NoSQL, and cloud databases
Good: Aqua Data Studio is a modern SQL IDE with a workspace environment that enables database developers, DBAs, and data/business analysts to develop, access, manage, and visually analyze data for relationa... (this pertains data analytics, debugger, database, relational, cloud, NoSQL, SQL code, SQL query, database development, ...)
Aqua Data Studio 19.5
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The universal IDE for relational, NoSQL, and cloud databases
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Some words about Aqua Data Studio:
Database developers are tasked with creating software applications that include complex business logic and access ever-changing database ecosystems, while database administrators must manage these complex environments that may incorporate a myriad of platforms and versions. Todays database environments are growing exponentially in volume, velocity, and variety, making the database professionals roles even more challenging and time-consuming. Additionally, database developers are expected to work seamlessly across disparate DBMSs and integrate their work with source control systems as part of their regular software development cycle.

Database administrators have different levels of responsibilities, and it depends on exactly what they are managing. Those that need a general-purpose tool to compare and synchronize schema objects and data and to track database sessions, instances and security will find that Aqua Data Studio meets these needs and more for many different platforms.

Business and data analysts often need to manipulate the data from the SQL queries in order to use it for analysis and decision-making, but they dont need a high-end technical tool for this. Visual Analytics lets them create beautiful visualizations and dashboards of the data to explore or share with others. Reduce costs for non-power users with Aqua Data Studio.

Aqua Data Studio provides an extensive toolset that combines SQL scripting, query building, and debugging with database object navigation and table data editing. Aqua Data Studios single interface lets developers work across database platforms so organizations can standardize on one solution and maximize database development efficiency.

News, new features for this New Release:
Support for MariaDB Support for MySQL, Amazon Aurora, Google SQL Cloud, Apache Derby, PostgreSQL, Pivotal Greenplum, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Teradata, Vertica latest versions Visual Analytics: manual cell sizing, table calculations sorting Query Builder: search feature, enhanced import And more!
DBMS platforms from a single interface. Generate model diagrams, build sophisticated queries, edit table data, develop scripts, and debug SQL code.

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Type: Shareware
Price $ 499 /
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Date: 02/21/2019
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OS: Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
Sys requirements: https:// aquaclusters app/home/project/public/aquadatastudio/wikibook/Documentation19/page/0/
Language: English, ChineseSimplified, ChineseTraditional, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish

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