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Exult XML Conversion Wizard Convert XML to MS Excel(XLS),MS Access(MDB),CSV & HTML.Can handle large file
Good: Converts XML to MS Excel(XLS),MS Access(MDB),CSV,HTML & Text.Easily handles large & complex XML files.Elements & attributes are automatically mapped to columns.Builds relationships between... (this pertains xml to txt, xml to text, xml to html, xml to csv, xml to access mdb, xml to excel xls, convert xml to html, convert xml to csv, convert xml to access mdb, convert xml to excel xls, ...)
Exult XML Conversion Wizard 2.5
[Homepage] - by: Novixys Software, Inc. - Download

Convert XML to MS Excel(XLS),MS Access(MDB),CSV & HTML.Can handle large file
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Converts XML to MS Excel(XLS files), MS Access Database(MDB), Comma Separated Values(CSV), HTML and Text. Easily handles large and complex XML files without large memory requirements. Elements and Attributes in XML are automatically mapped to tables and columns. Builds relationships between extracted tables to mirror XML structure using primary and foreign keys. No user intervention required for shredding the XML to tables. Merge two or more tables to created a view for extraction. Exports XML tables as MS Excel worksheets or MS Access tables. Exult has a familiar and easy-to-use Wizard interface which steps the user through the conversion. Relationships between tables exported can be checked by selecting Tools -> Relationships under MS Access. Includes a command line program for batch conversions. Check website for latest updates. Limitations of the 14-day Trial Version: partial conversion of the information in XML. For complete conversion, upgrade to the registered version. Strong and responsive customer support. Free upgrades including major upgrades for 1 year. Extended support contracts available.

Recent changes in this Minor Update:
Nov 05, 2007 ------------ 1. Bug fix to truncate column names to the correct limit for each database. Particularly important for Microsoft Access since the limit is a very low 32 characters. 2. Bug fix: Change in the case of element names in XML needs to be properly accounted for by creating the column names. This is required since the database column names are not case-sensitive. 3. Facility to directly read XML from a URLs added (currently supporting http or ftp). 4. Using the more secure SHA algorithm for computing the hash value of an XML file to decide whether to it has been previously loaded. Aug 03, 2007 ------------ Exult 2.3 released. 1. Bug fix in handling NULL values arising due to non-existent XML elements. 2. Eliminated silent truncation of column data under some conditions.

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Type: Shareware
Price $ 105 /
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File size: 2727 Kb
Date: 11/05/2007
Install support: Install and Uninstall
OS: WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003, Windows Media Center Edition 2005, Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Basic x64, Windows Vista Home Premium x64
Sys requirements: Windows 2000/NT/XP/Vista with MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components)
Language: English

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