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Internet CyberCafe Software MyCafeCup Cyber cafe software, Internet cafe, hotspot billing software -
Good: Cybercafe - Internet Cafe Timer software - Wi-Fi HotSpot Billing - MyCafeCup is a software for real-time operating Internet Cafe, CyberCafe, Game Center, Gaming Cafe and PC rental shop. It offers secu... (this pertains cafe management, cafe manager, cyber cafe, internet cafe, Internet Timer, Cafe Timer, Cafe Software, Gaming Cafe Software, Cyber Cafe Software, Internet Cafe Software, ...)
Internet CyberCafe Software MyCafeCup 2.2272
[Homepage] - by: MyCafeCup CyberCafe Internet Cafe Software - Download

Cyber cafe software, Internet cafe, hotspot billing software -
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Cyber cafe software - Internet cafe software - Wi-Fi HotSpot Billing - from MyCafeCup is a software for operating Internet Cafe, CyberCafe, Game Center, Gaming Cafe and PC rental shop. It has been designed for use in an Internet coffee shop, although it can be used for intranet PC controlling. My Cafe Cup is an online real-time way to manage your client machines via monitoring and locking in order to process PC rentals. It offers secure access to client computers and grants access to individuals by creating user code/password accounts that can be charged per use or on a time schedule.

New! XP (Home/Pro) SP1-2-3+ / Server 2003 (all Edition) / Vista SP1 - 2 / Windows 7 / Windows Seven / Windows 2008 / DHCP / ICS / Windows Firewall / WOL / nProtect GameGuard/ Wi-Fi HotSpot Billing Plug-in system are supported.

Note: The unregistered version allows creation of a maximum of 1000 user accounts and control of a maximum of 5 client machines. The policies setting is disabled.

Recent changes in this Minor Update:
DHCP / Windows FireWall / Vista SP2 / Windows 7 / 2008

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Type: Shareware
Price $ 125 /
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File size: 9294 Kb
Date: 05/19/2010
Install support: Install and Uninstall
OS: Win2000, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win98, WinOther, WinServer, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP, Other
Sys requirements: Server : 300Mhz+64 MBRam, Client : 200Mhz+48MbRam
Language: English, French, Spanish, Thai

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