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2Jpeg 2JPEG - command line batch graphic converter to JPEG (JPG) image file format.

2Jpeg 4.3

2JPEG is a graphics converter allowing you to convert images to jpeg format from 50+ image file types including conversions from bitmap to jpeg, from gif to jpeg, from tiff to jpeg and so on. The program has no windows interface and is fully optimized for working in background mode. 2JPEG processes multiple files at a time. If you have a huge number of images and need to convert them to jpeg format - 2JPEG is the best solution. You need only to point the program to folder with files you want to convert and specify folder for storing converted jpegs. The program will scan subfolders for image files, create report and delete input files - if you want it to. 2JPEG is not only jpeg converter, it is a jpeg editor as well. The following image editing features are available - margins crop, rotation, mirror effect. You can also change image size, make a single image collage from several images, specify image background color and even apply one of 17 photo enhancement effects. Starting from version 4.2 watermarking ability is added. And remember that all these edits can be applied to multiple files at the same time. With 2JPEG you have a full control over output jpeg files quality, resolution (dpi) and sampling. 2JPEG works in command prompt or DOS mode. It can be easily launched from Visual C++, Visual Basic or Delphi application or from Visual Basic or ASP script. 2JPEG works under Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. Input supported formats are: ico, cur, ani, bmp, dib, rle, gif, jpeg, jpg, jpe, pcd, pcx, dcx, png, ppm, pbm, pgm, tga, tif, tiff, wbmp, wbm, wmf, apm, emf, wpg, psd, img, gem, iff, ras, sgi, xbm, xpm, dxf, rle, pict, pic, pct, psp, jng, mng, clp, cut, fpx, jp2, jpc, j2k, jpx, j2c, jbg, jbig, pix, rla.

Recent changes in this Major Update:
Added support of 11 new formats, added new options, fixed bugs.

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Type: Demo
Price $ 33.00
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File size: 2401 Kb
Date: 01/16/2003
Install support: Install and Uninstall
OS: Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000
System requirement: Pentium 90, 16MB RAM
Language: English

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