R-Mail Recovery Tool 1.0 Description: R-Mail is a tool designed for undelete accidentally deleted e-mail messages and recovery damaged *.dbx files where MS Outlook Express stores folders with e-mail messages. The new e-mail data recovery technology IntelligentRebuild allows R-Mail users to quickly reconstruct damaged *.dbx files created by Outlook Express and easily restore the lost messages. The messages are recovered in the .eml format and can be simply imported into Outlook Express mail and news bases. Recent changes in this New Release: Download: Download links Spot:
Comments (Add comment) | File size: 651 Kb Date: 02/04/2003 Homepage Install support: Install and Uninstall OS: Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000 System requirement: At least 32 MB of RAM, a mouse, and enough disk space for recovered messages, et Language: English |