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Agnitum Outpost Security Suite Pro Anti-malware, firewall and more for all-round proactive protection
Good: Anti-virus, firewall and more for all-round proactive protection. Online and offline malware prevention and powerful web control tools deliver robust, light on resources PC security. Outpost also offe... (this pertains antiviren, antivirus firewall, antivirenprogramme, firewall software, virenschutz, virenscanner, outpost firewalls, internet security, firewall, antivirus, ...)
Agnitum Outpost Security Suite Pro 9.1
[Home] - by: Agnitum, Ltd. - Download

Anti-malware, firewall and more for all-round proactive protection
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Some words about Agnitum Outpost Security Suite Pro:
Anti-virus, firewall and more for all-round proactive protection. Online and offline malware prevention and powerful web control tools deliver strong but light on resources PC security. Outpost is designed to make your Internet surfing as safe as possible without impacting system speed. Outpost includes SmartDecision technology to help facilitate decision-making in security issues by rating every executable file against a number of criteria and providing visual guidance as to the best way to proceed (allow or block) along with a corresponding window color - red, yellow or green. The 4th generation of SmartScan technology ensures faster subsequent scans (compared to SmartScan 3) by storing statistics and avoiding repeat scanning of previously verified and unchanged files. The antimalware engine delivers great detection accuracy by grouping similar virus implementations under a single signature; thus, even an increase in the number of signatures contributes to reduced performance impact. The anti-leak module offers the clipboard and screen content protection functionality to prevent data leaks and inadvertent information disclosure during "copy-paste" operations. In order to combat malware which spreads via USB storage devices by using the Windows auto-run vulnerability, Outpost includes specific USB virus protection that can completely block USB device or block all executable files and scripts on USB devices. Outpost's PDF scanning module is able to check non-standard and damaged files more effectively including PDF email attachments. Outpost Security will meet your needs with automatically-applied anti-malware and blacklist updates as well as real-world security policies from the ImproveNet user collaboration network.

News, new features for this Major Update:
Issue of high resource consumption resulting in occasional breakdowns of audio streaming is fixed
logy, SmartScan 4 technology, clipboard and screen protection, USB virus protection, PDF filtering, and more.

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Type: Shareware
Price $ 49.95 / 49.95
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Download size: 182141 Kb
Date: 08/05/2014
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Install/Uninstall: Install and Uninstall
OS: WinXP, WinVista, WinVista x64, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows2003, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Ultimate x64, Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Home Basic x64, Windows Vista Home Premium x64, Windows Vista Business x64, Windows Vista Enterprise x64
Sys requirements: 450 MHz CPU (x86-/x64-/multicore), 512 MB RAM, 350 MB free disk space.
Language: English, French, German, Russian, Spanish

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