security, cleanup, clean, disk, delete, files, solway, privacy, secure, cleaner again. Deleting a file normally just removes the file's directory entry, but the data itself remains on the disk. Now with plugins and cookie management.

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Clean Disk Security Secure file deletion and comprehensive clean-up for tightest security
Good: This program gives you secure file deletion, making sure that deleted files cannot be undeleted again. Clean up all your Internet surfing tracks. This program can also clean the Window's swap file. Al... (this pertains cleaner, secure, privacy, solway, files, delete, disk, clean, cleanup, security, ...)
Clean Disk Security 8.0
[Home] - by: Kevin Solway - Download

Secure file deletion and comprehensive clean-up for tightest security
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Some words about Clean Disk Security:
This program gives you secure file deletion, making sure that deleted files cannot be undeleted again. Deleting a file normally just removes the file's directory entry, but the data itself remains on the disk. This program completely eliminates the contents of deleted files. The highly acclaimed Gutmann disk cleaning method is now available as an option. This program can also clean the Window's swap file, and can optionally clean unneeded temporary files from your hard disk, such as your Internet browser cache and history, files in your system's Recycle Bin, and can clear the "recent files" list. Comes with a "Direct Disk Viewer" for discovering all that is hidden on your hard disk. Don't sell your hard drive before cleaning it with this program! Now with improved support for WinNT/2000/XP. Comes with plugins, a plugin editor, and cookie management. Now cleans "index.dat" internet history without having to restart Windows. Protect your private information and help protect against identity theft. Clean up after all types of progams. Vista support.

News, new features for this Minor Update:
New look and feel, minor bug fixes, choice of skins
d cookie management. Clean up after all types of programs.

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Type: Shareware
Price $ 25 /
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Download size: 1083 Kb
Date: 10/15/2012
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Install/Uninstall: Install and Uninstall
OS: Win2000, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win98, WinOther, WinServer, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP, Other
Sys requirements:
Language: English

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