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Supreme Spy Supreme Spy is computer monitoring software that records all activity on your pc
Good: Supreme Spy is computer monitoring software that records all activity on your computer, capturing keystrokes, programs, internet explorer websites and screenshots. Featuring a unique playback mode, t... (this pertains keylogger download, download keylogger, record internet activity, record computer activity, keylogger, free keylogger, supreme spy, computer activity monitor, monitor computer activity, computer monitoring software, ...)
Supreme Spy 4.71
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Supreme Spy is computer monitoring software that records all activity on your pc
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Some words about Supreme Spy:
Supreme Spy is computer monitoring software that records all activity on your computer, capturing keystrokes,
programs, internet explorer websites and screenshots. Completely invisible and easy to use, all information captured
is stored in an encrypted log file. The log file can be sent secretly at scheduled intervals to any specified email address. All activity in Internet Explorer can be monitored, and webpages are cached for viewing offline. Screenshots can be taken at given intervals, capturing everything that is currently on the screen. In addition, this stealth keylogger features a unique playback mode that lets you view captured keystrokes, programs, webpages, and screenshots in real time. Monitor your computer while you are away, retrieve lost information, monitor your children's activity, and much more!

News, new features for this Major Update:

logger lets you view captured keystrokes, programs, webpages, and screenshots in real time.

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Price $ 29.95 /
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Type: Demo
Price $ 29.95 /
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Download size: 2724 Kb
Date: 11/13/2011
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Install/Uninstall: Install and Uninstall
OS: Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003, WinME, Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Basic x64, Windows Vista Home Premium x64, Windows Vista Business x64, Windows Vista Enterprise x64, Windows Vista Ultimate x64, WinVista, WinVista x64, Win7 x32, Win7 x64
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Language: English, German, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese

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