.NET,Windows,Diagram,Graph,Component,Control,Network,Layout,Dataflow,Flowchart,Chart,Org Chart,mindmap,BPMNowcharts, org charts, design tools, and more. Flexible, powerful, extensible. Includes automatic layout & instruments.

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GoDiagram Diagramming .NET Component for displaying and modifying information graphically
Good: Add custom interactive diagrams to your .NET user interfaces, including networks, workflows, flowcharts, organization charts, design tools, BPMN and more. Flexible, powerful, extensible. Includes many... (this pertains Flowchart, Dataflow, Layout, Network, Control, Component, Graph, Diagram, Windows, NET, ...)
GoDiagram 5.0
[Home] - by: Northwoods Software Corporation - Download

Diagramming .NET Component for displaying and modifying information graphically
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Some words about GoDiagram:
Use GoDiagram to build custom interactive diagrams, network or process or workflow editors, flowcharts, or software design tools. GoDiagram includes many predefined kinds of nodes, links, and basic shapes including text and images. It supports layers, groups, subgraphs, scrolling, zooming, selection, drag-and-drop, clipboard, in-place editing, tooltips, grids, printing, overview window with panning, and a palette for draggable nodes. Links can have labels and arrowheads, and their paths can be straight, rounded, or Bezier with different kinds of Pens and routed to be Orthogonal. Predefined node types include Balloon, BasicNode, IconicNode, TextNode, MultiTextNode, BoxNode, SimpleNode, GeneralNode, SubGraph. GoDiagram is 100% implemented in C# as a managed .NET Control. Its Document/View/Tool architecture is very flexible and powerful. The classes provide many properties & events to make it easy to customize the appearance and behavior. GoDiagram includes extensive and useful sample programs with complete source code that you can modify and recompile. Sample applications include ProtoApp (a generic MDI app that includes a palette, overview, and property grid), Classier (browses the GoDiagram classes), Demo1, DataSetDemo, FamilyTree, Fishbone, FlowCharter, Flowgrammer, OrgCharter, Planogrammer, StateCharter, SubGraphApp, TreeApp, WebWalker. GoDiagram also includes extensive documentation in the User Guides, Reference Manual, and FAQ, answering most of the questions we've received over many years of supporting our GO product lines. The automatic layout components support rearranging the nodes in a diagram to make it easier to understand. GoLayout supports force-directed autolayout, incorporating electrical charge, gravitational mass, and spring length and stiffness), layered-digraph autolayout, for tree and hierarchical organization of directed graphs, and tree layout. There are no run-time royalties or deployment fees for GoDiagram components.

News, new features for this Major Update:
VS2012 support and .NET 4.5 support, Layout and Instruments now included.
c layout & instruments. Supports layers, scrolling, zooming, selection, drag-and-drop, clipboard, in-place editing, tooltips, grids, printing, overview window, palette. M

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Type: Commercial
Price $ 1350 /
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Download size: 24139 Kb
Date: 09/12/2012
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Install/Uninstall: Install and Uninstall
OS: WinXP, WinVista, WinVista x64, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, WinServer
Sys requirements: .NET Framework
Language: English

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