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VISOCO dbExpress driver for Sybase ASE VISOCO dbExpress driver for Sybase ASE is a dbExpress driver for Delphi/Kylix

VISOCO dbExpress driver for Sybase ASE 2.0
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VISOCO dbExpress driver for Sybase ASE is a dbExpress driver for Delphi/Kylix
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VISOCO dbExpress driver for Sybase ASE is a dbExpress driver for Borland Delphi, Kylix, C++ Builder.

VISOCO dbExpress driver for Sybase ASE provides direct access to Sybase ASE and allows you to avoid Borland Database Engine (BDE), ODBC, ADO.

Key features:
- High-performance
- Native access to Sybase ASE
- Compatibility with standard and third-party data-aware controls and components
- Easy installation and distribution
- Minimized driver size and use of system resources
- Cross-platform support via Borland CLX for Windows and Linux
- Free support for registered users
- "Per developer" license without royalty fee

- Delphi 6
- Delphi 7.1
- Delphi for .Net 8
- C++ Builder 6.0
- Kylix 2
- Kylix 3
- Sybase ASE 11.0
- Sybase ASE 11.5
- Sybase ASE 12.0
- Sybase ASE 12.5

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The Trial version can be used for evaluation purposes only. You can use it for 30 days and not more than 1000 queries for all connections in your application.

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Recent changes in this New Release:
Version 2.0 (build 160) 24-August-04 - NEW: Support of ASE 12.5 with Open Client 12.5. Two in one. Since version 2.0 you gain two drivers. First is optimized for operation with databases of versions 11.0-12.0, second only for version 12.5. This version was specially optimized for ASE 12.5. It doesn't work with the old versions of ASE and Open Client. Some methods of the driver (especially ISQLMetadata methods) were rewritten to use new features of the server. As a result we got a significant enhancement of the performance. - ADDED: DCU file for a static linking (Delphi 6, 7, C++ Builder 6 in the registered version only) - ADDED: Support of Delphi 7 Update 1 - ADDED: Support of Delphi 8 - ALTERED: Numerous changes of the implementation of ISQLMetadata: support of the search patterns, filtering by the object's name, filtering by the name of the schema - ALTERED: Improved GetProcedureParams method - ADDED: Additional configuration of the connection properties via "Custom String" parameter(Delphi 7 and higher only). - FIXED: Fixed the implementation of GetIndices method - ALTERED: Some fixes of the implementation of ISQLConnection: correct support of the quotation symbol (double quote), correct handling of fully-qualified object names - ADDED: New demo: StoredProc. We demonstrate using Stored Proc in this demo - ADDED: New demo: BlobDemo. A simple demonstration how to load/unload text files and image files to/from the BLOB field of the database. - CHANGED: Updated installer (Windows version only) - ALTERED: Some minor improvements of other methods - FIXED: Some minor fixes Version 1.2.5 (build 106) 23-May-03 ADDED: DCU file for a static linking Fixed: Minor errors in the installation ADDED: Improvement of image BLOb's handling Version 1.2.5 (build 105) 18-Nov-02 ADDED: Full compatibility with Delphi 7. Source code can be compiled with Delphi 6, 7 and Kylix 2, 3 FIXED: Bug appeared in version 102: attempt to execute nonexistent stored procedure didn't indicate an error. ADDED: Added a posibility to determine a connection timeout. (Delphi 7 only) ADDED: Automatic naming of unnamed fields. (like BDE) ALTERED: Changed a name of a return parameter of a stored procedure from "return" to "Result". (like BDE) FIXED: Some minor fixes. Version 1.2.4 (build 102) 30-Oct-02 FIXED: The following message appears in the log: "Message: Severity: 1. ct_results(): user api layer: external error: This routine cannot be called until all fetchable results have been completely processed.". This error has been fixed. Version 1.2.4 (build 101) 15-Oct-02 FIXED: Bug with an interface handling that cause an accumulation of unused connections and memory leaks. FIXED: Bug in ISQLCommand.setParameter that cause Access Violation when passing empty strings. ADDED: Improved a results processing logic. ADDED: Support of input BLOB parameters for queries (not for stored procedures!). ADDED: Improved a BLOB fetching. Removed a restriction that obliges to place BLOB fields in the end of the fields list of SELECT clause. FIXED: ISQLMetadata.getColumns now returns correct precision and scale for NUMERIC fields and length for VARCHAR fields. FIXED: Improved a parsing of stored procedure definition in ISQLMetadata.getProcedureParams. This method couldn't determine OUT-parameters in some cases. It works correctly now. FIXED: ISQLConnection.connect now close a connection when trying to connect to a database that doesn't exists instead of keeping a connection to the default database. ADDED: getErrorMessage now returns extended error description that contains message number and severity. ADDED: ISQLCommand.setParameter now allows to pass parameters in any order. Previous implementation allows an ascending order only. ALTERED: ISQLCommand.getNextCursor method has been changed. It returns SQL_NULL_DATA if there is an active cursor. ALTERED: ISQLMetadata.getIndices method now contains a temporary dummy code. It returns an empty cursor. (There are significant differences between Sybase ASE versions 11.0 - 11.5 - 12.0 and especially Sybase ASA. We are trying to find a solution.) ADDED: The number of queries in trial version was increased from 100 to 1000. Version 1.1.1 (build 098) 9-Jul-02 ADDED: ISQLConnection now correctly sends client hostname to the server. This information is available by executing "sp_who" stored procedure. ADDED: ISQLCursor.isReadOnly always returns false to prevent creation of ReadOnly fields Version 1.1.1 (build 097) 8-May-02 ADDED: Sybase ASA 7.0 support (via Open Client) Version 1.1 (build 096) 26-Apr-02 ADDED: build numeration added FIXED: some bugs were fixed ADDED: tested with Sybase 11.0 Version 1.1 27-Feb-02 dbExpress driver for Sybase 1.1 released.

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Type: Shareware
Price $ 249.95 / USD
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File size: 1987 Kb
Date: 08/24/2004
Install support: Install and Uninstall
OS: Win95, Win98, WinME, WinXP, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, Windows2003, Unix, Linux
System requirements: MS Windows, Linux, Unix
Language: English

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