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Document! X Document! X shortcuts the process of creating and maintaining documentation
Good: Document! X shortcuts the process of creating and maintaining documentation and context sensitive on-line help for .Net Assemblies, Visual Basic/VBA/Visual Basic .NET source code, ASP.NET Ajax Javascr... (this pertains documentation, net, ndoc, help, f help, dynamic help, context sensitive help, help , vb net, csharp, ...)
Document! X 2008.0.0
[Homepage] - by: Innovasys - Download

Document! X shortcuts the process of creating and maintaining documentation
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Developing accurate documentation, particularly for complex components or XSD schemas, has traditionally been a time consuming, costly and skills intensive task. Documentation during development can be seen as a moving target and at the end of a project developers are often immediately re-assigned to new development tasks, which can leave most projects poorly documented.

With Document! X, documentation can be automatically produced throughout design and development without requiring investment of developer resources, providing development teams with an accurate and up to date reference and allowing new developers to jump the learning curve of new components and schemas. Document! X makes producing documentation a natural and productive activity for developers and technical writers alike.

Document! X is the documentation tool chosen by world leading component companies including Infragistics, Data Dynamics, Dundas, Janus Systems and Telerik for their commercial documentation requirements.

The revolutionary authoring tools included in Document! X allow you to author additional content directly within a preview of the automatically generated page - seamlessly combining the benefits of automated documentation with fully featured authoring tools.

The same 'Full Page Edit' functionality is available within the Visual Basic 6 and Visual Studio .NET (2002-2008) environments - allowing you to author and maintain your Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET and C# source code comments directly within a preview of how the generated documentation will look.

In addition to making use of Visual Basic, Visual Basic.NET and C# source code comments, Document! X can use comments from Transact-SQL code, SQL Server extended attributes, XSD Schema annotations and Type Library HelpStrings.

Document! X integrates seamlessly with the Visual Basic and Visual Studio environment. Documentation Projects can be created, opened and built without leaving the development environment

Recent changes in this Major Update:
Visual Studio 2008 and Community features

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Type: Commercial
Price $ 590 / 299
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File size: 29243 Kb
Date: 02/14/2008
Install support: Install and Uninstall
OS: Windows2000, WinXP, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Basic x64, Windows Vista Home Premium x64, Windows Vista Business x64, Windows Vista Enterprise x64, Windows Vista Ultimate x64
Sys requirements: Windows 2000/XP/Vista. .NET Framework/VS.NET/VS.NET 2002-2008 (for .Net support).
Language: English

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