encryption software,encryption,service,security,scheduler,automate,strong encryption,aes,rijndael,twofish,rsa Encryption software: run scheduled encryption, decryption sessions as a service.

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PrimaSoft Encryption - Service Edition Encryption software: run scheduled encryption, decryption sessions as a service.
Good: Encryption Software Service Edition with Scheduling (Windows): easily and quickly run scheduled encryption, decryption sessions as a Service process. Use the latest industry standard strong encryption... (this pertains encryption software, encryption, service, security, scheduler, automate, strong encryption, rijndael, twofish, ...)
PrimaSoft Encryption - Service Edition 1.0
[Homepage] - by: PrimaSoft PC - Download

Encryption software: run scheduled encryption, decryption sessions as a service.
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Service Process: You can run scheduled auto-recurring encryption and decryption sessions as a service process.

Encryption Scheduler: PrimaSoft Encryption utility comes with flexible scheduler. You can schedule auto recurring encryption sessions for any future date and time.

Encryption algorithms: AES (US Advanced Encryption Standard) secret-key encryption algorithm known as Rijndael. Certified by National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST). AES is the new official US government standard for encryption of data. Twofish encryption algorithm, a runner-up candidate for AES. RSA encryption is a public-key encryption algorithm.

Encryption compression and decompression: You can use the most popular ZIP archive file format within the Strong File Encryption / Decryption utility. You can define automatic compression and decompression of the encrypted or decrypted files.

Encryption Log: Our software maintains a detailed Activity Log so you can easily find out which encryption sessions were successful, which failed and why. Our program can send email notification with information about successful or failed file encryptions and decryptions.

Recent changes in this New Release:
New Release: strong file and folder encryption decryption utility.

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Price $ 195 / 250
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User's Reviews, Comments (Add your comment / review)

Type: Shareware
Price $ 195 / 250
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File size: 1500 Kb
Date: 01/10/2005
Install support: Install and Uninstall
OS: Win95, Win98, WinME, WinXP, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, Windows2003
Sys requirements: 16MB Ram
Language: English

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