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(BELOW!) FREE DOWNLOAD LINKS FOR:  progeEARTH Land Development Suite 2013.0.1
RESUME/REVIEW BY CUTEAPPS: Civil Survey AutoCAD Clone Software, no learning curve for AutoCAD users, Windows 7 32,Windows 7 64, Natively reads and writes AutoCAD DWG files, no need for conversion! Includes Data Colector File Import, COGO, Contours, DTM, Road Design, Sections and Profiles. low-cost alternative to otherwise high priced Land survey, coordinate geometry, digital terrain modeling, and corridor design software.

(description, more information, click here - Civil Survey AutoCAD Clone, no learning curve for AutoCAD users)

File size: 1820 Kb

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Civil Survey AutoCAD Clone Software, no learning curve for AutoCAD users, Natively reads and writes AutoCAD DWG files, no need for conversion! Includes Data Collector file Import, COGO, Contours, DTM, Road Design, Sections and Profiles.

(Civil Survey AutoCAD Clone, no learning curve for AutoCAD users)Civil Survey AutoCAD Clone Software, no learning curve for AutoCAD users, Natively reads and writes AutoCAD DWG files, no need for conversion! Includes Data Collector file Import, COGO, Contours, DTM, Road Design, Sections and Profiles.

This is the download page for progeEARTH Land Development Suite - Civil Survey AutoCAD Clone Software, no learning curve for AutoCAD users, Natively reads and writes AutoCAD DWG files, no need for conversion! Includes Data Colector File Import, COGO, Contours, DTM, Road Design, Sections and Profiles. low-cost alternative to otherwise high priced Land survey, coordinate geometry, digital terrain modeling, and corridor design software including working directly with AutoCAD DWG files. Windows 7 32,Windows 7 64, AutoLISP, VBA, ADS programming, import from PDF, Advanced Rendering, 3D ACIS Solid Modeling included. Import and edit your Raster Images, including Raster to Vector. Comes with near 11,000 standard symbols and blocks. AutoCAD DWG File 2.5 - 2008 Open and Save Compatible with AutoCAD menus, scripts, fonts, etc. A Library of Blocks Symbols for Electrical Mechanical Architectural Civil Survey Hybrid DWG Raster Image Editing Vertical applications for many industries. Google Earth export, Quick Dimensioning, updated spell checker, DIESEL expression support, over 1000 new CAD symbols, right-mouse click context menus, improved speed and reliability, Advanced Data Extraction wizard, one-click text editing, an interactive purge command dialog, and one-click entity grouping, layout print area visualization. eTransmit, PDF, ECW, O2C, JPG, SVG XML image file support, Express Tools, easy-to-use attribute editing, DWG redlining, in place external reference editing, and Find and Replace text and attribute search, Network NLM, USB mobile, and corporate licensing options, over 300 new hatch patterns. progeCAD Professional IntelliCAD is an easy replacement for AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT!
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