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RESUME/REVIEW BY CUTEAPPS: WebQuiz XP is the new software product which allows you to create interactive HTML quizzes, tests and assessments that you can immediately answer on-screen or publish to the Internet. By using an easy wizard, you can enter the questions, add pictures and equations, define the options and then set the final evaluation. WebQuiz XP supports five question types and you can choose several ready-to-use professional templates.

(description, more information, click here - WebQuiz XP allows you to create interactive HTML tests and quizzes in a snap.)

File size: 7032.1 Kb

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Also, the download link was working at the time of the inclusion in this archive and when we did the last test; it is provided by the software house and sometimes can be -temporarily- offline or so.
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WebQuiz XP is the new software product which allows you to create interactive HTML quizzes, tests and assessments that you can immediately answer on-screen or publish to the Internet. It includes several ready-to-use professional templates.

(WebQuiz XP allows you to create interactive HTML tests and quizzes in a snap.)WebQuiz XP is the new software product which allows you to create interactive HTML quizzes, tests and assessments that you can immediately answer on-screen or publish to the Internet. It includes several ready-to-use professional templates.

This is the download page for WebQuiz - WebQuiz XP is the new easy software product which allows you to create interactive HTML questionnaires, assessments, quizzes and tests that you can immediately answer on-screen or publish to the Internet. By using an easy wizard, you can enter the questions, define the options and then set the final evaluation. WebQuiz XP supports four question types (multiple choice, multiple answer, true / false, fill-in-the-blank, essay) and you can choose several ready-to-use professional templates. Pictures and mathematical formulas can be linked to questions: while publishing the quiz, formulas and equations are automatically converted into images and included in web pages. Moreover you can set the score which will be given if users answer correctly, wrongly or if they do not answer. With just a mouse click your quizzes are then uploaded to the Internet and ready to be used. Answers and results are stored into a database and/or sent by e-mail. A real-time Web Administration Interface monitors the progress of your tests.
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